The Future We Choose
Yuval Noah Harari described The Future We Choose as one of the most inspiring books he has ever read. First published in 2020, it is now available in multiple languages.

Take a deep breath and decide that collectively we can do this, and you will play your part.
We have just entered the most consequential decade in human history. The scientific assessment of climate change suggests this can either be our final hour, or our finest. The Future We Choose is an inspiring manifesto from Global Optimism Co-Founders, Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac. It explains what’s to come, how to face it and what we can do.
Practical, optimistic and empowering, this is a book for every generation, showing us the exciting world we can all be part of creating. If we all play our part in the most important decade that we have ever faced, The Future We Choose shows how we can move beyond the climate crisis into a thriving future.
Take a deep breath and decide that collectively we can do this, and you will play your part.
We have just entered the most consequential decade in human history. The scientific assessment of climate change suggests this can either be our final hour, or our finest. The Future We Choose is an inspiring manifesto from Global Optimism Co-Founders, Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac. It explains what’s to come, how to face it and what we can do.
Practical, optimistic and empowering, this is a book for every generation, showing us the exciting world we can all be part of creating. If we all play our part in the most important decade that we have ever faced, The Future We Choose shows how we can move beyond the climate crisis into a thriving future.
Take a deep breath and decide that collectively we can do this, and you will play your part.
We have just entered the most consequential decade in human history. The scientific assessment of climate change suggests this can either be our final hour, or our finest. The Future We Choose is an inspiring manifesto from Global Optimism Co-Founders, Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac. It explains what’s to come, how to face it and what we can do.
Practical, optimistic and empowering, this is a book for every generation, showing us the exciting world we can all be part of creating. If we all play our part in the most important decade that we have ever faced, The Future We Choose shows how we can move beyond the climate crisis into a thriving future.
Take a deep breath and decide that collectively we can do this, and you will play your part.
We have just entered the most consequential decade in human history. The scientific assessment of climate change suggests this can either be our final hour, or our finest. The Future We Choose is an inspiring manifesto from Global Optimism Co-Founders, Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac. It explains what’s to come, how to face it and what we can do.
Practical, optimistic and empowering, this is a book for every generation, showing us the exciting world we can all be part of creating. If we all play our part in the most important decade that we have ever faced, The Future We Choose shows how we can move beyond the climate crisis into a thriving future.
Take a deep breath and decide that collectively we can do this, and you will play your part.
We have just entered the most consequential decade in human history. The scientific assessment of climate change suggests this can either be our final hour, or our finest. The Future We Choose is an inspiring manifesto from Global Optimism Co-Founders, Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac. It explains what’s to come, how to face it and what we can do.
Practical, optimistic and empowering, this is a book for every generation, showing us the exciting world we can all be part of creating. If we all play our part in the most important decade that we have ever faced, The Future We Choose shows how we can move beyond the climate crisis into a thriving future.
Take a deep breath and decide that collectively we can do this, and you will play your part.
We have just entered the most consequential decade in human history. The scientific assessment of climate change suggests this can either be our final hour, or our finest. The Future We Choose is an inspiring manifesto from Global Optimism Co-Founders, Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac. It explains what’s to come, how to face it and what we can do.
Practical, optimistic and empowering, this is a book for every generation, showing us the exciting world we can all be part of creating. If we all play our part in the most important decade that we have ever faced, The Future We Choose shows how we can move beyond the climate crisis into a thriving future.
Take a deep breath and decide that collectively we can do this, and you will play your part.
We have just entered the most consequential decade in human history. The scientific assessment of climate change suggests this can either be our final hour, or our finest. The Future We Choose is an inspiring manifesto from Global Optimism Co-Founders, Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac. It explains what’s to come, how to face it and what we can do.
Practical, optimistic and empowering, this is a book for every generation, showing us the exciting world we can all be part of creating. If we all play our part in the most important decade that we have ever faced, The Future We Choose shows how we can move beyond the climate crisis into a thriving future.
Haal diep adem en besluit dat we dit met elkaar kunnen doen. En jouw aandeel telt.
We bevinden ons in de beginfase van het meest cruciale decennium in de geschiedenis. Wetenschappelijke onderzoeken voorspellen dat ofwel ons laatste uur, ofwel ons mooiste moment is aangebroken. Wij bepalen de toekomst is een inspirerend manifest van de medeoprichters van Global Optimism, Christiana Figueres en Tom Rivett-Carnac. Het vertelt ons wat ons te wachten staat, hoe we ermee om kunnen gaan en wat we ertegen kunnen doen.
Dit praktische, optimistische en hoopgevende boek is voor elke generatie en toont ons de fantastische wereld die we met z’n allen tot stand kunnen brengen. Wij bepalen de toekomst laat zien hoe we allemaal een bijdrage kunnen leveren tijdens het belangrijkste decennium waarvoor we ooit hebben gestaan, en voorbij de klimaatcrisis een voorspoedige toekomst tegemoet kunnen gaan.
Respire fundo e decida que, em conjunto, podemos fazer isto. E todos temos um papel a desempenhar.
Respire fundo e decida que, em conjunto, podemos fazer isto. E todos temos um papel a desempenhar. Acabámos de entrar na década mais decisiva da história da humanidade. No que toca às alterações climáticas, a comunidade científica internacional diz que esta pode ser a nossa hora final, mas também poderá ser a nossa hora mais bela. O Futuro Que Escolhermos é um manifesto inspirador dos cofundadores da Global Optimism, Christiana Figueres e Tom Rivett-Carnac. Explica o que está para vir, como o enfrentar e aquilo que podemos fazer.
Prático, otimista e empoderador, este é um livro para pessoas de todas as gerações, que nos revela o mundo emocionante que podemos criar. Se todos resolvermos fazer o que nos compete na década mais importante que alguma vez enfrentámos, teremos em O Futuro Que Escolhermos um guia para ultrapassar a crise climática em direção a um futuro melhor.
잠시 멈춰 우리 모두의 과제를 살펴보세요. 당신도 역할을 할 수 있습니다.
우리는 인류 역사상 가장 결정적인 10년을 살고 있습니다. 기후 변화에 대한 과학적 평가는 지금이 우리의 최후가 될 수도, 혹은 가장 멋진 순간이 될 수도 있음을 암시합니다. <한 배를 탄 지구인을 위한 가이드>는 글로벌 옵티미즘(GLOBAL OPTIMISM) 공동 재단의 크리스티아나 피게레스와 톰 리빗카낵이 전하는 울림 있는 성명서입니다. 앞으로 어떤 일이 닥칠지, 우리는 어떻게 이를 맞이해야 할지, 할 수 있는 일은 무엇일지 이 책은 설명합니다.
실용적이면서 낙관적이고 강력한 이 책은 모든 세대를 위한 것이며 우리 모두가 역할을 할 수 있음을 보여줍니다. <한 배를 탄 지구인을 위한 가이드>는 역사상 가장 중요한 10년을 사는 우리가 각자 할 수 있는 일을 해냄으로써 어떻게 기후 위기를 찬란한 미래로 바꿀 수 있는지를 보여줍니다.
Weź głęboki oddech i uwierz, że razem możemy to zrobić.
A Ty weźmiesz w tym udział.
Wkroczyliśmy właśnie w najważniejszą dekadę ludzkiej historii. Bezsprzeczna, naukowa ocena zmian klimatycznych wskazuje, że mamy dwa wyjścia: czeka nas zagłada albo wyjdziemy z tej próby zwycięsko. „Przyszłość zależy od nas” to inspirująca książka założycieli organizacji Global Optimism, Christiany Figueres i Toma Rivetta-Carnaca. Wyjaśnia, co nas czeka, jak stawić temu czoła i co możemy zrobić.
Ta praktyczna, optymistyczna i dająca siłę książka pokazuje nam lepszy świat, którego wszyscy możemy być częścią i który możemy aktywnie współtworzyć. Zaangażujmy się w działanie właśnie teraz, w tej najważniejszej dekadzie ludzkiej historii! „Przyszłość zależy od nas” pomoże nam przekuć przejmujące doświadczenie kryzysu klimatycznego w lepszą przyszłość.
Respira hondo y decide que podemos hacer esto juntos. Y tú harás tu parte.
Acabamos de entrar en la década más importante en la historia de la humanidad. La evidencia científica sobre el cambio climático señala que esta puede ser nuestra hora final, pero también puede ser nuestra mejor hora. El Futuro por Decidir es un manifiesto inspirador de los cofundadores de Global Optimism, Christiana Figueres y Tom Rivett-Carnac. El libro explica lo que está por venir, cómo afrontarlo y lo que podemos hacer al respecto.
Práctico, optimista y empoderador, este es un libro para todas las generaciones y nos muestra el emocionante mundo en el que todos podemos ser parte de la creación. Si todos hacemos lo que nos corresponde en la década más importante que jamás hemos enfrentado, encontraremos en El Futuro por Decidir una guía sobre cómo podemos ir más allá de la crisis climática hacia un futuro más próspero.
Fai un respiro profondo e prendi la decisione che insieme possiamo farcela. E tu farai la tua parte.
Siamo appena entrati nel decennio più importante della storia umana. Le evidenze scientifiche del cambiamento climatico indicano che potremmo essere giunti al capolinea, o all’inizio di una nuova era. Scegliere il futuro è l’illuminante manifesto scritto da Christiana Figueres e Tom Rivett-Carnac, co-fondatori di Global Optimism. È un libro che ci spiega a cosa stiamo andando incontro, come affrontare questo momento e ciò che possiamo fare.
Concreto, ottimista e responsabilizzante, parla a ogni generazione e ci mostra l’entusiasmante mondo che tutti insieme possiamo contribuire a creare. Scegliere il futuro ci fa vedere che se nel decennio più importante di sempre faremo tutti la nostra parte, potremo lasciarci alle spalle la crisi climatica ed entrare in un futuro prospero e fiorente.
Hinga sügavalt sisse ja otsusta, et me
tuleme sellega kõik koos toime ja sina
mängid selles oma osa.
Kõige olulisem aastakümme inimkonna ajaloos on äsja alanud. Teaduslik hinnang kliima muutumisele näitab, et see tund võib osutuda meie viimaseks, kuid sellest võib saada ka meie tähetund. „Tulevik on meie teha“ on inspireeriv manifest, mille autoriteks on organisatsiooni Global Optimism kaasasutajad Christiana Figueres ja Tom Rivett-Carnac. Raamat räägib sellest, mis meid tulevikus ees ootab, kuidas sellega silmitsi seista ja mida me saame ette võtta.
See praktiline, optimistlik ja innustav teos on mõeldud igas vanuses inimestele ja see kirjeldab põnevat maailma, mille loomise juures saame kõik osalised olla. „Tulevik on meie teha“ näitab, kuidas me võiksime kliimakriisist jagu saada ja jõuda õitsvasse tulevikku, kui me kõik anname sel kõige kriitilisemal kümnendil oma panuse.
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